Member Name Bladeslayer1137 Minecraft Username blade_slayer1137 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? When I try to log on all it says is "Banned by Meg1626 from this server for: No reason was Specified" so I have no idea. I don't remember doing anything in the result of a ban. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance because I love this server a lot and donate to it when I get the chance and since I just got paid I can help the server by donating and the server can help me by giving me perks in game so it's a win win situation.
You are practically BRIBING us to let you back on... It don't work that way... As for the reason @Meg1626 will have to explain it
@Blade_Slayer1137 You were banned for linking a completely inappropriate .eu site. Care to explain yourself, if any explanation can really be given for this? You have 24 hours to answer.