Member Name Benjamin Molina Minecraft Username creeperhead12 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? it said I was banned from using aimbot and forcefield Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance because i love this server and i didnt do anything to get ban like this. please i need one more chance please.... someone younger then me reported me because he got mad and called me a hacker.. please if you think im lying then im sorry...
Staff follow through on reports by confirming if the player has a hacked client or not. We observe the player for a bit and if we have enough proof of them using the client we will act upon it. So if you were really using a hacked client, this is your time to be truthful and own up to it. We dislike having people lie on their appeal to attempt to get a second chance. Keep in mind; I'm not saying for certain you did or not have it nor am I saying you are lying.
You'll be given a second chance, respsond to this ban appeal in the next 24 hours saying that you understand all the rules and you will not hack again. Once said, I'll be happy to unban you off KitPVP. Remember, this is your last chance! (Thanks Pip for tagging me! )
respsond to this ban appeal in the next 24 hours saying that you understand all the rules and you will not hack again. Once said, I'll be happy to unban you off KitPVP