Member Name austin360 Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? autokill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? we did not actually have autokill we just wanted to be freinds with the guy so we told him we had auto kill, i am new to the game and dont even know how to get these cheats
Member Name austin360 Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? autokill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i think i deserve another chance because i had autokill on only because this was my brothers computer and he had all these hacks when it loaded the screen and when i got near someone it started killing them randomly that is why i think i diserver another chance His other appeal before I removed it.
This isn't my ban but why are you lying? Your're first appeal you stated " I had autokill on only because this was my brothers computer" You're second appeal you stated "We did not actually have autokill" So which is the truth and which is the lie? Type below why you deserve a second chance, be 100% truthful or your appeal will be rejected. You have 24 hours to reply.
Member Name austin360 Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Auto kill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I got unbanned then 10 min latter I got banned for no reason then randomly it said i has autoikill whitch I don't know what that is and that is why I deserver another chance thanks Another appeal by him. @austin360 use this thread to reply to staff or give any comments/concerns. Thanks.
Member Name BlackxLab3l Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? autokill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i was on my brothers computer and all this weird crap showed up then i tpa to somone then it stated to kill him i tired to stop it then 10min latter i got banned that is why i want another chance and next time i will use my own computer thanks
Member Name austin360 Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? autokill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? because i had no cheats on and i dont know what auto kill is and if i did have somthing i will look foward and try to fix my mistake and that is why i deserve another chance thank you ~~~~~~~~~ Yet another ~~~~~~~~~ Also filed under a different account name. Stop spamming appeals or your appeal WILL be rejected. @austin360 you'll have to answer Dansor's question to possibly get unbanned .
Member Name BlackxLab3l Minecraft Username austin360 Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? autokill Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? i did not have auto kill on and i havent even killed anyone on factions when i joined yet but i still got banned that is why i deserve another chance thank you So which is it? Either you killed someone with hacks or you didn't. You've contradicted yourself.
Okay, I have merged your two appeals into one so there is less confusion. To address your ban please answer the following questions that were posed by staff. You have 24 hours to respond or this appeal will be declined. 1) Explain why you have two different stories in two different appeals for why you were banned. In other words, why do your stories not add up? 2) Why should we trust you? 3) Explain in your own words why hacking is bad. Thanks! Christy