Member Name Asc286 Minecraft Username Asc286 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? For use of auto armor, crit hacks, player api, toggle sneak, and stalling Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? Ok so PlayerAPI is used to make toggle sneak work and toggle sneak is allowed on another server ill post there rules for proof. Also every time i got accused of auto armor i showed evidence of not having it ill post my screenshots right before ban to. In my screenshots there was no crits hack etheir. Here are all the links to help with proof:
Oh also the reason i put armor on so fast is because i have armor hud and i can tell when its gonna break and i know how to hotkey my number keys really fast here is a link to me playing soup to show me hot keying really fast
Many players has the Armor Status mod, that helps you check your armor durability. Hot keying isn't hard, and it's actually visible. Nick has also caught you a few days ago using auto-armor. Many players I know are extremely fast at hot keying, but you can still see their armor pop up in their hand. I've tested this out many times w/ some of my friends. As you were fighting blueblade4, blueblade himself, bacca_american and I saw you using mods that gave you huge advantage. Once your armor broke, you never stopped swinging and another set appeared instantly. Also, you kept refusing to show your screen and options. You only took photos of your folders, which can be edited while you are in-game or out of game. One of the photos you linked is a few days old, you sent the same exact photo to blueblade4 and bacca_american. If ToggleSneak is allowed on another server, you shouldn't be having it active while on any of our AEM servers. It's considered a hacked client, since it gives you a advantage that players don't have. Nick placed a warning on your account saying if you are ever caught using auto-armor again, after you were told to remove it. We shall ban you off the server. I myself, and all the other players spectating you earlier today understands how hack clients work. Thanks for sending a ban appeal, we'll discuss about it and message back as soon as possible.
When my armor goes to red on my armorhud i focus completely on my armor bar for when it breaks and as soon as it goes away i quickly put it on and also half the time in that fight with blue i had the piece already out holding right click because i had like 1 or 2 hits till that piece broke. Also if needed i can record me putting armor on in a fight if needed to show i do actually switch to a different number key.
Also cookie i forgot to answer the part where you said you can edit your .minecraft folder ingame that is not true well atleast not for me as you can see here and also you wanted me to put you in all the screenshots i showed you before my ban and i did so all of them were not old they were made right then at that time
I'm really not super familiar with hacks and this is not my ban but any idea why it says you have 7 mods loaded in the bottom left but only 6 are in the folder..?
that might be forge give me a little ill edit after i get the answer Edit: So after trying to find the answer i noticed the shaders mod doesn't count as a mod that is probably because I don't have it currently using a shader and also forge counts as multiple mods itself. With Shaders in mods: Without shaders in mods:
I'll be giving you one more chance, if you respond to this ban appeal in the next 24 hours saying you understand all the rules, and that you'll never use mods to gain a advantage again. I'll be happy to unban you from KitPVP. @Asc286
Yeah I do understand all the rules but just one question do you want me to delete the player api and toggle sneak? or am i allowed to keep that in my folder but just not use it on aem because i do use a minecraft launcher that lets me turn mods off I don't want on off before i start minecraft
I trust you enough to have it on AEM, considering it's not exactly a hacked client. You'll be unbanned from KitPVP.