Member Name allenbrad Minecraft Username Allenbrad,Bradleyhenley00 Which server were you banned on? KitPvP Why were you banned from this server? I was actully banned from all servers was only supposed to be kitpvp but anyways i was banned on allenbrad account for hacking on kitpvp and my bradleyhenley00 account got banned for being an alt. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance because i did my time ive been banned for over 5 months that i counted waiting to be unbanned and i think i have learned my lesson about hacking and i promise i wont do it again i will follow every rule i will show proof everytime and best of all i will listen to staff at all cost. - Rejected - Rejected @StraightUpThug
You have been banned at least 3 times for hacking. That shows that you have not learned your lesson. I'm declining this appeal.