Member Name Alex pelusi Minecraft Username Xx_alexpelusi_xX Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? I was banned for advertising Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I deserve another chance because knife4u was actually telling me about another factions server and telling me to go on it and I was igonring him and then I got kicked off and it said I was banned.
Thanks for the appeal @Alex pelusi You were banned for talking about said server, therefore I took the initiative to put a ban through. There is a chance for you to get back onto AEM with your friends, only if you answer the question... Why is advertising not allowed on any server? You have 24 hours to reply.
Member Name Alex pelusi Minecraft Username Xx_alexpelusi_xX Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Advertisement Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance becuse knife4u msg me and ask me if I wanted to go play another sever and I does ignored it and soon after that is was ban so I basiclly go ban for no reason
Member Name Alex pelusi Minecraft Username Xx_alexpelusi_xX Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Advertisement Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance becuse knife4u msg me and ask me if I wanted to go play another sever and I does ignored it and soon after that is was ban so I basiclly go ban for no reason
Member Name Alex pelusi Minecraft Username Xx_alexpelusi_xX Which server were you banned on? Factions Why were you banned from this server? Advertisement Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think I should get another chance becuse knife4u msg me and ask me if I wanted to go play another sever and I does ignored it and soon after that is was ban so I basiclly go ban for no reason
advertising is not not aloud because if everyone were to advertise aem and other servers would lose a lot of people and not be as popular.this rule also helps with spam cause a lot of people when they advertise they spam the chat with it and it lags the whole server.
First of all she did answer. Second, you spammed ban appeals, even after she answered. Then, you go on aem on an alt, and now you are IP banned.
It means that until you can provide a ban appeal worth accepting, you can not get back on aem under any alt, as well as any account under your internet
Member Name Alex pelusi Minecraft Username Xx_alexpelusi_xX Which server were you banned on? Global Why were you banned from this server? Advertisement and getting on another alt trying to get unbanned Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance in aem because i was just trying to ask a question and i knew i shouldnt of do so but i did it anyway. Im sorry and i hope i can get another chance.
Thats the second time i merged the threads. If you make another appeal, i will auto reject this appeal @Alex pelusi.
@Alex pelusi I will consider bringing you back to the server if you help me help you. Please answer one more question. Note: If you make another ban appeal you will stay banned from the server and not allowed back for an allotted time. Why did you feel the need to get on the server under another account when you could've asked your question on the forums.
I was just making sure that u were going to reply back i have no idea why i did thos and it just made things worse because now i have my brother zz_yolozack banned i should not have done this i am extremly sorry.
Okay you seem sincere about it. I will accept the appeal if you promise to follow the rules from here on out. No talking about other servers, no ban evading etc.