Member Name Alex Johnson Minecraft Username Shockwave9647 Which server were you banned on? Creative Why were you banned from this server? A person by the username: Guitar (cant remember the rest) gave me multiple pairs of boots the he claimed were given to him by AlexM850. They were rather good boots so i decided i wanted to give them to a friend of mine, Trouble1122. I told trouble that they were given to me by AlexM850, but i mean to say what was described before. Then he banned me. Why do you think you deserve another chance on the server? I think i deserve another chance bacause i was not aware of the consiquences of having those boots, and i did not know that the person had lied to me. This, i think, is rather unfair.
Shockwave9647, I asked you how you got the OP boots on creative, you specifically said from AlexM850 and that he gave them to you. You gave them to me to look at, I saw them and then I asked Alex if he gave them to you, he said no. Alex then came into creative and said again he didn't give them to you. Then once you were banned from creative, you came in and told me that it was someone else and you couldn't remember who. Now you are telling me part of the name. Can you please be honest and tell me how you got the level 1000 enchanted items?