Hey AEM people! Wanna be a YouTuber or Streamer for AEM? Of course, we all do!...but what does it take to be an official YouTuber or Streamer for AEM? First, you must pass the qualifications below. If you pass, we will give you a trial period as your desired rank (YT/Twitch/Hitbox/etc) and see if you're a good fit for AEM. You will then be reviewed weekly to make sure you're following our requirements. Are there perks for being a YouTuber/Twitch'er? Of course! You automatically get some awesome donator perks on each server as a "thanks" from us. Think you've got what it takes? Double check the qualifications and requirements below, then apply in this thread. We are rolling out this program slowly, so please be patient with us if you don't hear back immediately. Thanks, and good luck! =============================================================================Qualifications: Must have been consistently releasing content/streaming over the past 2 months, with at least 1 a week Videos/streams must be high quality Must have a minimum of at least 1,000 subscribers/followers, with consistent numbers of views Must have Skype to communicate about the program Requirements: You must be respectful to all AEM players and staff, even when you're not filming/streaming Your content can not be filled with profanity/vulgarities Your content must not make AEM look bad YouTuber: You must create at least 1 video on AEM weekly Streamer: You must stream at least once on AEM weekly You must share on the AEM forums when you'll be live streaming Apply: Please share the following information below. IGN: Age: Link to your YouTube or Twitch channel: [NOTE: Your rank can be pulled at any time, per the decision of the network staff]
IGN: EmergencyHD Age: 15 Link to youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheEmergencyHD (there hasn't been many videos recently because i was on vacation but i am home now )
IGN: jawa7778 Age: 11 Link to YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jawa2278 I got Skype but can't give away profile name
IGN: TroPixelMC Age: 17 Link to your YouTube or Twitch channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TroPixelMC
So @vK You need 977 more subs and with consistent numbers of views. @jawa2278 you need more videos, 973 more subscribers, and Videos must be high quality.
Ign:foxry190 Age:15 Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8FkBeS2dY4z22MGo0AlmVg only been on it 7 weeks and have 86 subssubs
I would like to apply for the "Youtuber" rank. I am a youtuber and would like to be that rank on the server. How do i get to be that rank?
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheBlackPhantom01 Not the best yet, getting this rank will REALLY help me. Just trust me on that Age:13
And i have been playing this server for 10 weeks, and minecraft for like 2 years, and youtube for only 6 months
The goal isn't to help your channel... The goal is to help people come to AEM/ Help their channel get even more popular..
you miss under stood me, i men't, help my channel get higher so i can reach the 1000 mark for the rank. I own my own server as well, like 50 more play on that. Its still not as popular, but the rank will help, your server, my server, my youtube, and the servers games and everything! just trust me on that. 1 chance. You will not regret it!
I dont have 0 subs. And before TheBlackPhantom01, i had 400 subs, but i changed my account about 1 month ago, so thats why i dont have as many yet, because they didn't know i changed it. I promise you that i will help!