I have been through the ban list out of curiosity and it has come to my attention that there are many bans for swearing. Here is what I propose. An anti swear plugin exists which, instead of deleting the message, the ilicit word is changed to a word like derp or derpht and also set a player on fire. I would rather than this than have players swearing constantly.
People will start writing swearwords different so the plugin wont work,.. I know servers wich have that plugin but players just write the words in a different way... there is no point
you can programme the plugin to reject certain words, so all versions of a word may be omitted, I know it will take time, but I believe it can help reduce the amounts of swearing on the server, actually the thing about fire, scratch that as I believe it was a glitch haha
Go to factions. It has an anti-swear plugin, and everyday I manage to see people get around it. Also, swearing is allowed on all servers, just not excessively. The people that get banned for harsh language are the ones that either spam those words or are extremely pissed off about something. Most bans that are under bad language are typically temporary so that they can cool down and think about what they've done.
I wasnt saying go and play factions, I was using it as an example for the plugin that you want implemented.
it will not stop people from swearing. people would still swear even if the plugin filters out the words and those that really think swearing is a must will find a way to bypass it. to stop the swearing the people need to change (aka realizing that swearing is not something that has to be done) not the server.
I play on another server where there is an anti swear plugin, and believe me, I have tried nearly every way to say certain words, while the plugin replaces my word with "unicorn" or "love"