Hello AEM, I’m writing this to officially say goodbye and to thank the many people who have helped make my time on AEM awesome. For a full year I spent most of my free time with you guys, so I wanted to write this to express my gratitude to all of you who have come to mean so much to me. Thank you all so very much, especially all my Skyblockers!! I know we didn’t always see eye to eye about everything or everyone, but I hope I was able to brighten it up even a little. Keep the island levels up, you guys have to surpass the top islands from before! http://prntscr.com/69jmq3 AEM will always be my very first and my most loved server. I’ll stop by every once in a while to check in. Have fun playing! <333 P.S. I have asked for this thread to be locked so there is no possibility of any disturbances.