I believe for factions we should be able to keep our money & echest stuff some people work hard for there stuff we shouldnt have to lose everything i understand that its a reset we lose our stuff but everything i dont find it fair i believe we should be able to keep those things maybe on all the servers please it would be helpful for ppl that have very little stuff or very vauable stuff thank you
It is called a RESET... meaning you loose everything. I agree with fats_x. It sounds scary but everyone will survive. I am very supportive of a reset too. Please reset the factions server; it is time.
I actually wouldn't mind a reset in my opinion, coz everyone has gotten so Overpowered in this time. It would bring more people to the server as well if we had a reset
i hope and cant wait for a reset. i saw global admin nick_godoy(or however its spelled) in chat earlier yesterday. he mentioned a factions reset a few weeks after opprison release. i asked how long for that release someone else said that he said 2-4 weeks. not sure if thats accurate... if it is im estimating between 5 and 10 weeks for factions reset if its not only accurate but also true. only thing i have to say about factions is that if i dont have my donator rank ima be raging..... i spent alot towards getting this rank and managed to work out a deal for one of the upgrades. and some of that was only recently... i dont mind cash and vaults and such getting emptied and cleared out on reset but donator ranks are something completely different and would probably bring about some forms of legal issue for removal of a paid service.(someone said that will stay but i want a mod or admin that can confirm with 100% guarantee that donator ranks wont change on reset)
They will be staying but there is nothing legal you can do about it if you do lose your rank, it is a DONATION.
Yes, as Tree said, your rank is a DONATION to the server, and not a right. If you DO lose your rank, then look in the legal documents for the server :: The Parts in blue kind of relate to it. By agreeing you are stating that: 1. You are over the age of 18 OR have parental permission 2. You have authorization to use the debit/credit card and/or paypal account 3. You will not chargeback, dispute, reverse any payments 4. You will not abuse your gifts and/or ranks 5. We reserve the right to ban any account without notice for any reason. 6. You agree to everything listed above and below. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GRANTED 1) We reserve the right to change, with or without notice, any rank price that has been set forth. We also reserve the right to change the contents of a specific rank – the benefits of a certain rank can change, and you will not be entitled to the old rank benefits if we change it. Rest assured that no rank benefit, or any other item in the store, will be changed without a valid, server-balancing reason. 2) You agree to indemnify the staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to this servers staff. By agreeing to these terms, you agree not to present any lawsuit or other legal challenge against the server staff for any reason, whether related to your purchase or not. 3) You understand and agree that your use of this website and any services or content provided is made available and provided to you at your own risk. It is provided to you as-is and we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You understand and agree that neither us nor any participant in the service provides professional advice of any kind and thus use of such advice or any other information is solely at your own risk and without our liability of any kind. Some jurisdictions may not allow disclaimers of implied warranties and the above disclaimer may not apply to you only as it relates to implied warranties. 4) You expressly understand and agree that we shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible loss (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from or arising out of (I) The use of or the inability to use the service, (II) The cost to obtain substitute goods and/or services resulting from any transaction entered into on trough the service, (III) Unauthorized access to or alternation of your data transmissions, (IV) Statements or conduct of any third party on the service, or (V) any other matter relating to the service. Note that by accepting the terms in the document, you are also waiving your right, to take any action, legal or otherwise, against anyone or anything related to the staff, management, administrators, members, owners or any hosts of this server. You furthermore acknowledge that if any part of this document is found to be invalid or unenforceable in any way, any parts not found to be invalid or unenforceable will be considered fully valid and binding. 5) Any staff, owners, hosts, advertisers, officers, directors, employees, partners, and all other parties related to this servers staff reserve the right, with the appropriate permissions, to forcibly make you leave the server, permanently or temporarily, with no chance of refund – however this will never be unwarranted, this will only happen in the case of extreme rule-breaking. If you obey the rules, you will never be banned, plain and simple. 6) By donating to AEMNetwork you are not entitled to any Physical or virtual good, a donation is a donation and not a purchase. As defined a donation is an act or instance of presenting something as a gift, grant, or a contribution with no expectation of anything in return. Anything received will be as is and no warranty or guarantee it will always be available. 7) All terms and conditions are in effect indefinitely as soon as the contract is accepted, and will remain to be active even after you quit, are banished, removed, or if you leave the server/forum in any way. Refund Policy: All sales are final, you may not buyback, stop, credit the server by any means necessary in order to receive your funds back that of which have been paid. And in doing so we reserve the right to disallow your continued play on the server/forums and not allow further funds to be added or taken away. We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced charge-back.
The quote of gaining some new players may be somewhat accurate but on the flip side u lose more players. many players play different servers and have different levels of what one might call" being rich " or being "op". when they have to start all over they tend to go play on their server where they have the most. im a prime example . I played my other server 95% of the time and hardly played AEM. but once my other server reset i started playing AEM more because then i had more stuff here then I did on old one. Players will go play where they have the most money and items and few will dedicate the time to start over. my last server( which was ranked #6 largest) lost most of its players after reset.
I wasn't trolling and you were making a big deal about how it shouldn't be reset because you don't want to restart because your "op".. so I am saying you are NOT op trust me.
I was OP; I had 48 sets of protection 4 diamond armor. Until Mr_LightViper and Tree_Killer raided me this morning. I only have 24 sets of protection 4 diamond armor left