I think that if AEM were to add a command /is add on skyblock, it would be a fun experience for all players, making it so that when you do /is add <player>, that player has not technically joined your island, but you have added them and they are then able to place blocks on your island, look in chests, and help you out. Especially if it is one of your friends, it would be great fun to be able to help each other out on your islands. Also, it would be reasonable to only allow 2 players to be added, that way, it doesn't get out of control, and it keeps everyone from bribing you to let them join, so they can steal your stuff. I also think it would be good to make it so that after you type /is add <player> have a pop-up that says ATTENTION:Are you sure that you trust this person on your is, if you do, please type /CONFIRM. Also, I think we could add this feature to creative server, /p h add <player>.