This will be held Saturday, May 17, 2014. Time is whenever I'm on and feeling Frisky. This is not a scam. So far winners: Averyme123 (5$), BuddermanProd (5$), Trouble1122 (5$), Meg1626 (40$). (You can be next) All winners bid amount for their rank is Classified. Rules. There are no rules, anyone can Bid on the auction. You can bid for a friend, you can bid for yourself, you can bid just to bid. See you guys Saturday. Also, this is will be a normal auction. Okay, I lied ONE Rule. Do Not Put A MAX Bid. If I see A max bid that person will nullify the Raffle all together. This is for fun. Not /bid 10 10000. That is no fun and not fair for others. Also people will rage in not being able to bid. You know there are a lot of folks that do not know MAX Bid. Let's keep it clean. =) Do Not /msg Me To Buy You Rank. You Will Just Be Ignored. If You Want Then Saturday /bid Baby. Hwangbo PS: Make an Forum account and post, I may also do a random draw from the comments =)
No previous winners won't get the comment raffle. Just win 4 of them I host frequently skyblock will grow
I will be online from 5:30ish pm through probably 3-4am. Depends if I get kicked for being on too much <3
Really nice of you, just saw you talk about it in chat. Shame I have no ingame money and I wasnt able to bid more than once xD
Ah, sorry maybe next time. I do like all hours of night random times. Sometimes 4 people online sometimes full page. Just have to be ready =)