Just a heads up, I would like to give him untill the end of the week untill any punishments or whatever is given. I decided to buy a rank from new commander Zxyphe and I payed him and told him to get me the rank buy the end of the day because I needed to leave and he said ranks weren't working atm. So now it has been 2 days and I dont have my rank and everytime I ask him about it he says "one sec" and loggs off. Normally I wouldnt just leave someone with my 30k but not only did i get a screen shot but he was a commander and I dont understand who would be stupid enough to donate 125$ irl money and then scam and get ban?!?!? View attachment 1300 View attachment 1299
I see in screenshot #1 that you have 12759, and in the other you've sent 30k to him. How could you get like 7k in that "short" time?
near 4 hours and 30 mins is a "short" time @Syb ? 12-28-54 is the time in SS1 16-04-30 is the time in SS2
Sorry, i didn't see that. Since im a commander, and normal at PvP, 7k is a lot in 4 hours and 30 mins for me to get.
and btw i asked him about it again and he left -_- View attachment 1305 here it is this is when i gave the offer than he payed me back the first time when it didnt work, then i payed him the money again and he has been ignoring me since ;_;