Who are you reporting?: 123nad What server was this on?: Skygrid How long ago was this?: Whenever hes on What did he/she do?: Swears disrespectfully, hacks, and IS disrespectful to others Proof: Multiple screenshots and multiple players. Don't have much proof of hacking but players can explain as well. Bookhugger has screenshots in chat as well. He has been banned before too. Hacks that me and others agree on is Kill aura and regen hacks. Possibly more. Bookhugger will post a ban appeal in the comments as well.
I Strongly beleive that 123nad does hack because he was eating a god apple while hitting me and i asked 2 people to try and hit me while eating and they couldnt do it. and a while ago i was on his island and he turned pvp on and killed 2 innocent people and then tried to kill me but i flew away.
Who are you reporting?: 123nad View attachment 1174 View attachment 1175 View attachment 1176 View attachment 1177 What server was this on?: Skygrid How long ago was this?: Whenever hes on What did he/she do?: Swears disrespectfully, hacks, and IS disrespectful to others Proof: Killed both me AND ThriveLP in a 2v1 with no god apple. I had regen 2 on, he had weakness on him, and i also had strength 2 on (I was doing 50+ damage per hit.) I had a good 6+ hits on him and he was down to 80% he hit me 3 times and killed me. Same thing happen(No screenshots but ThriveLP can vouch) Moar proof: I confronted him about his hacking and we argued, then he swore at me, and threatened to false report me if i report him. Also advertising another server (Server Name Removed)